Do you have stress in your life? Stupid question, right? Well, do you know that stress plays a MAJOR role on weight? Now you like stress even more, I'm sure. It's true, the more worldy woes you have the more it can weigh on you. When we are stressed, our bodies release hormones, one of these hormones includes adrenalin, which gives us instant energy, along with CORTISOL. Cortisol is a stress hormone. It is released when we are under any form of stress, physical, emotional, or mental. In today's world our stress levels are higher than even. Most households need to have both parents working, and that is IF there are two parents in the same household. Stress from kids, work, and most common, finances, it's enough to keep the release of cortisol constant in us. But we are not supposed to LIVE LIKE THIS! For our ancestors, cortisol would set in when they felt an immediate threat or danger, like an animal chasing them, or if their lives were in immediate danger, this is